Despite our best efforts to anticipate and encapsulate the implementation needs of our customers in advance, the expertise of an experienced consultant can mean the difference between success and failure. NightShift Services focuses on unlocking the full value and elasticity of cloud-native architecture, offering the experience of a boutique consulting engagement focused on core engineering and cloud-native fundamentals, backstopped by a network of technologists knowledgeable in the very latest in container platform and other emerging technologies.

NightShift Services

Our Approach

With the influx of Platform and Containerization solutions proliferating rapidly across the I.T. industry, not every project is successful despite heavy investment in modernization. Why?

Our perspective allows us to look beyond platform implementation and into fundamental application architecture to unleash the full value of cloud-native solutions. Examples of this include successfully implementing a distributed consensus protocol to support fault-tolerant, flexible single-master operations in the cloud (replacing a legacy single-master design causing downtime), designing a modern gRPC/HTTP2 API implementation to succesfully meet the demands of a rapidly growing digital service, and re-designing a monolithic application reliant on configuration files, into a microservices-oriented architecture enabling secure developer self-service, independent project release cycles, and a dramatic increase in development velocity.

These aspects of a digital transformation strategy are critical to the holistic success of a modernization effort. We envision the modern Digital Enterprise to be a place where tickets are opened to discuss tangible business use cases, such as production load-testing on faster and more expensive storage types, vs the inefficient nature of these activities to support simple configuration changes or access requests. We believe there is a better way and our mission is to design it, achieve it, and deliver it.

Our Delivery Culture

What makes a NightShift Services engagement different?


Every NightShift Services engagement comes with a thorough engagement journal, detailing decisions made through the journey, tracking every deliverable, made available during the engagement on-demand. We even ship hosted documentation as fast as we ship applications, providing up-to-the-minute project status to stakeholders where desired.

Outcome Oriented

NightShift Services is committed to delivering high-value results. We believe a solution is not valuable until the value it offers can be fully realized. As a result, valuable outcomes guide everything we do. Expect more than traditional staff-augmentation.

Innovation Driven

Doing things the way they've always been done will result in exactly where things are. NightShift rewards nontraditional thought and technique, and passes that innovation on to add value to an engagement outcome.

Agile Software Delivery

NightShift is committed to the four pillars of Agile Software Delivery.
Working software is more valuable than comprehensive docuementation.
Individuals and interactions are more valuable than process and tools.
Customer Collaboration is more valuable than contract negotiation.
Responding to change is more valuable than following a plan.


See what success looks like today